NetPeppers Webinar

Easy splicing with the CFS-100 from NetPeppers

In the past, fiber splicing was an expensive and difficult affair. Thanks to a new generation of splicers, manual adjustment of the fibers and high acquisition costs are now a thing of the past. For example, core-centering fusion splicers now take care of fiber evaluation before the actual splicing process to avoid tedious rework up front. With a splice time of less than 9 seconds from closing the draft shield to the finished splice.

In this 30 min presentation, you get an overview of NetPeppers fiber optic fusion splicer CFS-100.


  •     Brief introduction of NetPeppers Ltd.
  •     Fusion splicing - is it something for me?
  •     Why the CFS-100 makes splicing so easy
  •     Is it worth buying a splicer?
  •     Short demonstration
  •     LIVE CHAT - your questions about the CFS-100.

Peter Gerhardt
Product Management NetPeppers